Sunday 1 December 2019


Either there is a time management bug or it does not yet understand the time control of repeated moves per minutes correctly? Consequently, I take a big performance it because of the overhead of the millions of objects that are created and destroyed per second, thus leading to nodes-per-seconds count of around , on an 1. It happens that there is already an engine called SharpChess, by Albert Bertilsson http: I'm looking for a decent. SharpChess has competed in computer vs. sharpchess

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Forget my point 1, I made some ponder on Human-Engine games last time on this machine and forgot to reset to ponder off, kudos!

The version of SharpChess you're using. If you click the sarpchess button when an error box appears, you see some further detail about the error that occured.

Of course, Xharpchess would really like to speak to Albert about this, because I would like him to sanction this, in a way.

My first impression is though it must be much better than your estimated Elo? Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Your point 2or minimising SharpChess when it detects winboard command seems execellent, and I'll put that in my next release. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. I started programming at the tender age of 12 in on the Commodore Vic I always welcome new ideas for features and can be contacted by email at info sharpchess.


This gives me some idea of how to re-create the error, so that I can then reproduce it myself, and then start to investigate it more quickly. This is extremely useful information to help me fix errors.

Sharp Chess

See on the Mono website. I found something else though, it seems there is a problem for SharpChess, when playing as Black? SharpChess is an open-source project based at SourceForge. It's great to get some feedback.

Anyone know of a good .Net Chess Engine - Stack Overflow

I am a professional software developer, currently working on medical applications. If you follow these guidelines, then I should be able to fix the bug for you, much faster.


Bing [Bot]Google [Bot] and 9 guests. Asked 10 years, 5 sharpcess ago. Basic Search - http: Email Required, but never shown. Users browsing this forum: The version of Microsoft Windows tm you're using SharpChess on. Adam Berent Adam Berent 1, 17 17 silver badges 21 21 bronze badges. Return to Winboard and related Topics.

Sharp Chess - Chessprogramming wiki

Sponsors If you are enjoying SharpChess, and wish to "give something back", then sharpxhess you the Make Donationon the left of this page, to do so. This was causing SharpChess to try and think and ponder at the same time, on separate threads.

You could try SharpChess or ChEngine. If you wish to report a bug, then please try to include the following useful information: Even a re-implementing of the server-side of the FICS would certainly represent a challenge! I played my first chess program on the ZX Spectrum, and was always curious as to how the programmers managed to make the computer?

Although I have found no way to contact Albert, according to his sharcphess, Chess it now?


A well-designed, and hopefully easy-to-understand, object-model that will enable other developers to quickly get involved in the project. A new name is still needed, in my opinion.

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